We have several different billing periods as options. You’ll get a cheaper price when you take a longer billing period. It is always possible to change a package to a larger one by paying only the difference between the packages without separate change fees. 25,5% VAT is added to the prices.

Web hosting

First period discount -50% for billing periods of 3 months, 6 months and 1 year, -25% for 2 years. Below are the normal prices without discounts.

Package 1 month 3 month 6 month Year 2 years
Mini 4,50 € (4,50 €/mo) 12 € (4,00 €/mo) 21 € (3,50 €/mo) 36 € (3 €/mo) 60 € (2,50 €/mo)
Alku 9,50 € (9,50 €/mo) 27 € (9 €/mo) 51 € (8,50 €/mo) 96 € (8 €/mo) 180 € (7,50 €/mo)
Reilu 13,50 € (13,50 €/mo) 39 € (13 €/mo) 75€ (12,50 €/mo) 144 € (12 €/mo) 276 € (11,50 €/mo)
Kasvu 22 € (22 €/mo) 64,50 € (21,50 €/mo) 126 € (21 €/mo) 240 € (20 €/mo) 456 € (19 €/mo)
Teho 45 € (45 €/mo) 129 € (43 €/mo) 252 € (42 €/mo) 480 € (40 €/mo) 912 € (38 €/mo)

More information about web hosting

Website builder

Package 3 month 6 month Year 2 years
Kotisivut Startti 17,70 € (5,90 €/mo) 35,40 € (5,90 €/mo) 58,80 € (4,90 €/mo)
Kotisivut Pro 38,70 € (12,90 €/mo) 77,40 € (12,90 €/mo) 142,80 € (11,90 €/mo)
Kotisivut Store 80,70 € (26,90 €/mo) 161,40 € (26,90 €/mo) 274,80 € (22,90 €/mo)

More information about Website builder

Domain park

Package 3 month 6 month Year 2 years
Domain park 6 € (1 €/mo) 12 € (1 €/mo) 24 € (1 €/mo)
Domain park 10 18 € (3 €/mo) 36 € (3 €/mo) 72 € (3 €/mo)
Domain park 30 45 € (7,50 €/mo) 90 € (7,50 €/mo) 180 € (7,50 €/mo)

More information about Domain park

Additional services

Service Price Available in
Additional server space 5 GB 65 €/year (All, excluding Mini and Alku)
Additional traffic 300 GB/kk 85 €/year (All, excluding Mini and Alku)
Additional mailbox 10 pcs 18 €/year (All, excluding Mini and Alku)
Your own IP address 70 €/year (All, excluding Mini and Alku)
SSL – GeoTrust RapidSSL® -server certificate 28 €/year (All web hosting packages)
SSL – GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium -server certificate 110 €/year (All web hosting packages)
SSL – Comodo Essential Wildcard -server certificate 160 €/year (All web hosting packages)
SSL – GeoTrust Business ID -server certificate 220 €/year (All web hosting packages)
SSL – GeoTrust -Business ID Extended Validation -server certificate 245 €/year (All web hosting packages)
Small jobs (e.g. change the main domain of a web hosting package) 30 € (All)
Work per hour 99 €/h (All)
DNS changes 30 €/domain (All)

25,5% VAT is added to the prices.


The domain price list is available in its entirety domain pricing page. For domains, only registration and renewal will be charged.